Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post #3

What is Peer Editing? 

 Peer editing is a task that is done to help out fellow classmates when it comes to revising or editing a paper. While editing is the main task, there's always room for improvement on a paper no matter how large or minute it may be. According to the first video and presentation, the biggest thing is to always compliment the author of the paper you're reading. I fully agree with this because if someone was editing my paper, I wouldn't want nothing but harsh feedback- I would hope that they would enjoy some part of it! 

What do you think is the best way to approach Peer Editing? 

 I believe that the best approach is to keep an open mind and know that not everyone thinks alike. For instance, if we were all assigned a certain topic to write about and you completely disagree with a person's stance on the subject, do not let that be the only thing that you critique on because that would trigger you becoming defensive like what the last video portrayed. As previously stated, always compliment the writer of the paper because although you may not agree, let it show that you're reading the writing and not bringing your personal standpoint into it. 

How will you peer edit your classmates blog posts in EDM 310?  

For starters, I'd definitely keep an open mind and pinpoint the high points rather than focus on the low points. The videos and the presentation really made me think about what to say and how to say it when it comes to peer editing. With the completion of many peer edits in past classes, I've learned that when you focus on what they did right, it makes what they did wrong easier to convey. I would not want someone to completely hammer my writing so I would hope that my classmates wouldn't do that to me! I will always keep an open mind and remember that everyone's writing styles are different! 

What is the importance of Peer Editing? 

The importance of peer editing is being able to revise, edit, and compliment your fellow classmate's paper without being super harsh or extremely critical. It's also being able to recognize that there are errors on a paper and giving a true assessment of writing is supposed to benefit the writer instead of just saying, "that's good," or "that's bad." In the last video, the character that was being too general is the message that I'm trying to give. When you give good feedback and avoid being general, then you're on the fast track to being an excellent classmate. Overall, providing constructive feedback that's also positive is something to keep in mind! 

The answers to these questions were inspired by the following:
Writing Peer Review 

Peer Editing 

Tutorial Peer Editing


  1. Hi Courtney!
    I definitely agree with your entire post, especially the last sentence of paragraph one. Not only was the point of "posting positive" elaborated on in every video, but it is one thing that I find very important as well! No one wants to hear only negativity, especially when it is in reference to something they spent time and effort on. I also enjoyed your point on "keeping an open mind." This is SO important when reading someone else's work. Not everyone thinks alike, and that is very important when peer editing because you don't want to change your peer's work to reflect your own.

    You did a great job! I enjoyed reading each of your posts!


  2. Hello Courtney! You did a great job on this blog. I agree with you that it is important to remember that not everyone thinks alike. Everyone has their own creative thoughts and we should respect and support them. It is also important to have an open mind when reviewing a peer's writing. I never want to hurt someone by my reviews of their work and this was a great reminder on how to review or edit their work in a positive way. Great job and I look forward to reading more of your blogs!
